
gardening season is upon us. 
we have broken out the shovels, are routinely turning our compost, and are hammering away at our raised garden beds.
we suspected that the athena women would be doing the same. so in conjunction with lessons on personal growth, we shared our experiences with digging in the earth and watching beauty emerge. 
here's how.
starting a garden

1 | prep your soil. 
adding compost and tilling garden prior to planting are ways to ensure good soil
2 | compost.
   a) measure a 3x3 square feet space.  A simple pile or contain in a custom bin
   b) add alternating layers of carbon (brown materials-leaves and garden trimmings) nitrogen (green materials- kitchen scraps, manure) and thin layers of soil. Top off pile with 6 inches of soil pile shouldn't smell.  if it does, add carbon materials (leaves, straw, sawdust)
3 | choose right plants for zone.  
when buying seedlings look for stocky seedlings with a few blooms and roots that are not over crowded.
4 | plant in wide beds.
plants that will be harvested (vegetables or cutting flowers) should be grouped tightly to discourage walking on crop.  it also reduces water waste  and helps target compost and nutrients.
5 | water properly.
water in the morning, when it is cool.  this helps to preserve water and avoid diseases that could grow on crop.  substantial, infrequent watering (one inch on water weekly including rain) 1-2 applications weekly, this encourages deeper rooting.
6 | weed.
no easy way about it, grab a bucket and get to it!
7 | protect plants from pests.
use natural remedies like bacillus thuringiensis, horticultural oils, insecticidal soaps, garlic/hot pepper sprays.
8 | harvest.
during peak season check produce daily, use herbs day of pick.
9 | cleanup.
remove sick plants during season, rake underneath since disease can harbor problems, long term.  healthy or expired plants can be left in place over winter. chop off annuals, then yank out, leaving soil intact, preventing weeds from gaining foothold.

·      put sand under carrots, to make pulling them up easier
·      put egg shells under tomatoes, to give more calcium to soil
·      tie leaves over cauliflower heads to keep them white
·      marigolds and oregano repel insects and deter hornworms.
·      rosemary deters beetles
·      thyme repels cabbage worms
·      chives and garlic deter aphids
·      do seed swaps and exchanges to save money, and expand crop selection
·      pick basil in late afternoon, for more intense flavor
·      peak leafy greens sporadically, from different plants rather than just one
·      cut produce with knife or scissor
companion planting
what is it?
art and science of laying out vegetable garden so that complimentary types of vegetables are planting in same bed.
rule of thumb
take note of which family vegetables come from.  plant regular families together. 
things to avoid
don't plant certain veggetables next to each other because they might stunt growth or growth will yield.
raised garden beds
buy two 1 by 8-inch cedar boards, which don't rot with age. they come in 8-foot lengths, which is perfect for 4 by 4-foot beds. cut each plank in half, so that it is 4-feet long. or have the store make the cuts. many places will do it for free.
also buy a 3-foot length of a 1 by 1-inch pine stake; cut it into four pieces and use them to nail the cedar boards to at corners for bracing. that's all! each box costs less than $10 to make.

remember, gardens to not have to be intimidating. it is just another space to show your creativity, your love, and your growth. 

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