Heart of Athena

The Athena community is more than just our monthly fellowship.  The gathering gives us a physical way to connect, to give and receive love, and to gain new skills and friends.  However, the Athena opportunity doesn't end when you walk out the door.

Obviously, Athena started with Ashley and me. When our concept was conceived, a big part of our mission and hope for this community is that you, too, will take ownership.  This is the perfect opportunity to share your knowledge or passion about whatever you feel especially skillful in. Want to learn more about something?  Feel nervous to dive into a new trend? Reach out to us. we want to learn too!  

When I was talking to Athena member Tarah Nelson about the hopes and passions I want to share with the group, I asked her to share a bit of herself with us. She is, my friends, nothing short of spectacular.  So, I am going to gush a bit about her, as she is our "Heart of Athena" for the month of February.

When I first met Tarah, she and I worked at the same salon. She was reading a book about living off the land and my little hippie heart soared!  She has such a knowledge and passion about clean living.  It is truly inspiring.  All gushing aside (I am almost done, I promise) I have to say, the birth of her son is one of the most beautiful stories I have heard.  She has a true passion for teaching her children in pure and simple ways and methods. she is an amazing supportive wife, and has a marriage to take note of.  Respect, growth, and knowledge are staples of the Nelson household.

I am happy to report that on her laundry list of to do's, she has agreed to contribute to our community through the blog. So when you see "Growing Roots"  in the subject line, you can go ahead, sit back relax and be introduced to the beautiful world of Tarah.  What can you look forward to? Stories of her vegetarian lifestyle choice, pics and know-how to an amazing garden (and maybe even her journey of planting an edible flower garden- SWOON!), and hopefully a  little about her family and home.

Tarah is a monthly meeting attendee as well, so if she posts something in the future, and you want to pick her brain, come with a list of questions and I promise she will be honest, warm, kind, and fill you up with knowledge and love!

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